Once I knew Jean-Luc Picard

Then I learned of Baudrillard

Then I found the Jean-Luc I fancy

Let's all raise a glass to Jean-Luc Nancy

I guess I knew that I had been

Seeing life thru eyes and skin

But new perspectives slapped my seeing

When I connected been to being

There was a red in fox's tale

And Moby Dick was just a whale

Somewhere I'll present a trophy

To an unreal girl - named Sophie

Jean, Luc and Nancy

I am at the very edge of a table

I am the edge of the table

I am an edge of a table

I know my other edge

at a sufficient distance

I know nothing of the interval

my other edge knows about me

I have an inclination for perching 

I lean towards the table

and rough surfaces

I am equidistantly disposed

sufficiently to doubt my other edge

but not its surface

I am acroamatic

the corner that is you

I circumnavigated

the edge of who I am 

perfectly unaware

the two corners that hold my edge

I lean towards the distance 

the distance that is me

I expand

Table and Edge

I wanna be your metanoia

Substitute for lust

I wanna be your paranoia

You will never trust

If you’re more unorthodox

Let me be your paradox

You join the dots

I wanna be yours

I wanna be your immanence

For that frequent resonance

I wanna be your semiotics

When you make notes on erotics

Let me be your metaphysics

Deconstruct me with your lyrics

I don’t care

I wanna be yours

I wanna be your inference

I will not conclude

I wanna be the difference

You will not elude

I wanna be your prime directive

Put your ego in perspective

When your logic is selective

That’s how life becomes objective

I Wanna Be Yours | A Cover\Almost

I found a bit of Pessoa

on pages I’d neglected

cannot take the credit

yet he'd been selected

he wrote so much just for himself

and saw things so much deeper

he has become my favourite

philosopher bookkeeper

Philosopher Bookkeeper | A Collaboration

instantaneous frequency

repeated often enough

yet inaudible

they write music

on walls and clouds

in the immediate future

the inadequate future

of unequal materials

and smaller sounds

nothing happens

in a greater distance

only silences

smaller distances

something to hear

nothing to see

when they write music

in other places

with no continuity

fashioned into

quiet absurdity

Distant Sounds | A Collaboration